President Donald Trump uses his daily coronavirus press briefing to berate reporters, praise his response to the pandemic, utter sheer nonsense and do what he excels at, lying. His press conferences are looking more and more like a MAGA rally.
In a crisis the nation needs a comforter-in-chief who speaks the truth with authority and defers to the medical experts, not a buffoon who contradicts the medical experts and peddles snake oil cures.
It’s not surprising that CNN, MSNBC and even Fox News have started to pull the plug on the press conferences before they mercifully come to an end.
Contrast Trump’s daily shit show with New York’s Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s daily coronavirus update. Cuomo is realistic and reassuring without being wildly optimistic, he comes across like a wise statesman concerned about the health of his constituents and not a crass politician obsessed with his poll ratings.
It’s not surprising that C-SPAN, CNN, MSNBC and even Fox News are airing Cuomo’s briefings in totality.
A lot less of Trump and a lot more of Cuomo is what America needs at this critical juncture in our history