“People like….Paul Ryan almost killed the Republican Party. Weak, ineffective & stupid are not exactly the qualities that Republicans, or the CITIZENS of our Country, were looking for. Right now our spirit is at an all time high, far better than the Radical Left Dems.
Donald Trump tweet
Trump is a master of projection, “weak, ineffective & stupid” are of course characteristics that perfectly describe the short-fingered vulgarian.
It wasn’t Paul Ryan and the spineless Republican leaders who killed the Grand Old Party, they merely looking on helplessly as Trump eviscerated the party and then pissed all over the entrails.
However, Trump is spot on, Paul Ryan is weak, ineffective and stupid. Why is it that Republican congressional leaders only discover that they have vocal chords, a spine, and gonads after they leave office?
Trump turned his fury on Ryan after an interview the former Speaker of the House gave to Tim Alberta for the book “American Carnage.” In the book Ryan is quoted as saying:
“We’ve gotten so numbed by it all. Not in government, but where we live our lives, we have a responsibility to try and rebuild. Don’t call a woman a ‘horse face.’ Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Set a good example.”
These words would have had so much more impact if he had uttered them when he was the Speaker of the House, now they just sound like the words of a retired politician who is striving to remain relevant.
In order to get his precious tax cuts that benefited the wealthy Ryan sacrificed his soul and his legacy. STFU Ryan, we don’t need to hear from weak moral cowards!