Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, to a large extent, because he succeeded in demonizing “Crooked Hilary”. He persuaded a jaded electorate that they should bet on him, because the Republican establishment represented by the likes of “Low Energy” Jeb Bush and the Democratic establishment symbolized by the likes of e-mail deleting Hillary Clinton had so utterly failed to improve the lives of working class and middle-class Americans.
It wasn’t difficult for Trump to demonize a politician who reeked of the sulfur of corruption and elitism. Trump didn’t win because the electorate loved him, they simply hated him less than Hillary, and they wanted to send the message that they were sick and tired of the establishment.
The election is only four months away, but Trump hasn’t focused on demonizing Joe Biden. Trump’s half-hearted efforts to criticize Biden as “Sleepy Joe” hasn’t gained any traction, and he has to ramp up his “trash talk” if he wants to take down Biden a peg or two.
I don’t blame Trump for ignoring Biden, voters had a visceral hatred of Clinton and she was an easy candidate to run against, but people tend to look endearingly at Joe Biden.
Instead of attacking Biden, Trump is running on how great the economy is, or should I say was before it was crushed by the coronavirus pandemic.
Against all evidence to the contrary Trump is pushing the false narrative that the COVID-19 pandemic is petering out and it will soon miraculously disappear.
And above all else Trump is doubling down and tripling down on racism, wrapping himself in the Confederate flag, and declaring himself the protector of Confederate statues and monuments.
Trump’s campaign platform of extolling an economy that has now been shattered, playing down a pandemic that is raging out of control, and fanning the flames of racism guarantees that he will suffer a defeat of landslide proportions.