In a recent interview with Sinclair Broadcasting Group’s Eric Bolling, the Trump-friendly reporter asked the president:
“With COVID, is there anything that you think you could have done differently, if you had a mulligan or a do-over on one aspect of the way you handled it, what would it be.?”
The coronavirus pandemic is the most important issue facing the electorate, and polls show that a majority of voters think Trump hasn’t taken the pandemic seriously.
Trump could have acted against type, expressed a little humility and promised to do more to mitigate the pandemic. Instead faced with a raging virus that has killed almost 230,000, he nonchalantly replied: Not much.
Not much, said the stable genius who is loathe to admit any mistake.
Not much, said the sociopath who is unable to sympathize with the millions of Americans who have been severely affected by the pandemic.
Not much, said the fucking moron who doesn’t have much of a plan for winning the war on the coronavirus.
Not much is the strategy that Trump has employed to deal with the greatest crisis of his administration. He hasn’t done much to encourage Americans to wear masks. He hasn’t done much to increase testing. He hasn’t done much to give a platform to the scientists and physicians of his own coronavirus response team. He hasn’t done much to encourage citizens to practice social distancing. He hasn’t done much to encourage us to avoid large crowds.
Instead the super spreader-in-chief mocks politicians and reporters who wear masks, ridicules his own medical experts, and holds super spreader campaign events in states hit hard by the virus.
Because Trump hasn’t done much about the coronavirus, he will be defeated in a landslide next Tuesday.