Every day for the past month Donald Trump held a press briefing on the coronavirus pandemic. The daily ritual soon developed a familiar formula: the scientists and physicians on the coronavirus response team would update the public on the status of the fight against the virus and instruct the public on steps we could take to flatten the curve, and then Trump would take the podium to contradict and refute them, berate the reporters and heap praise upon himself.
In spite of the nonsense Trump spouted and the fake cures that he promoted, we put up with Trump’s narcissism to listen to the advice and information provided by the preeminent coronavirus expert in the world, Dr. Anthony Fauci and the other physicians on the team.
And then came that fateful day when Trump went too far and suggested that injected a coronavirus patient with disinfectants might cure him. Trump was universally ridiculed and criticized, even by some Republican politicians and pundits.
Finally, Trump’s aides who had been cajoling and pleading with him to end his daily briefings prevailed, and he stopped having daily coronavirus briefings. Did the thick-headed egomaniac finally see a relation between his nose-diving poll numbers and his boastful and bitter performances at these daily briefings?
Of course, Trump blamed the media for ending his daily briefings, tweeting:
“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truths or facts accurately. They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time and effort!”
The perfect solution would have been for the daily coronavirus briefings to continue without Trump, but he sees himself as the only person worth listening to and put a stop to the whole thing.
Trump loves the spotlight too much and I’m predicting that before long he will resume the daily briefings. For a few minutes of meaningful information and valuable advice from the experts, we will once again have to put up with the interminable bloviating from the orange buffoon.