When Donald Trump isn’t boldly asserting that windmills cause cancer, he is tilting at them. His latest exercise in futility is his attempt to intimidate a federal judge to force Twitter to allow him back on their platform.
Trump is a sore loser, witness his refusal to accept reality and admit that he lost to Biden in an electoral college and popular vote landslide. However much he may hate losing, he’s certainly had a lot of experience losing, especially in the legal realm. Dozens of his frivolous lawsuits against business rivals, celebrities and political opponents have been tossed out of court. The Trump campaign and allies filed at least 63 lawsuits during and after Election Day in an effort to reverse the will of the electorate, and they lost every one except for a relatively minor case.
Trump is alleging that Twitter is violating his First Amendment rights by censoring him. The pathological liar believes the First Amendment gives him the right to spread his false conspiracy theories and outright fabrications on every social media platform. Trump is as familiar with the Constitution as he is with the Bible, he has the misconception that the First Amendment protects his right to say whatever the hell he wants without limits. The First Amendment protects us against government censorship, a private company like Twitter can ban idiots and liars the likes of Trump.
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist or a lawyer to know that no federal judge, not even one appointed by Trump, is going to force Twitter to reverse their lifetime ban of the short-fingered vulgarian.
The Big Loser is desperate to be relevant, he thrived on the instant gratification and instant feedback he received on Twitter, and he’s suffocating from the relative lack of attention.
Sorry Loser, you are destined to lose yet again in the courts.