“Biden has held seven total press conferences – formal settings where he takes traditionally unvetted questions from the press – four joint, and three solo, according to a count by the University of California at Santa Barbara’s American Presidency Project.”
Daily Mail
This is unacceptable for a president who pledged to run a transparent White House, and very telling for 79-year-old man who claims not to have cognitive issues.
Biden averages less than a dozen news conferences per year, in comparison Trump averaged 22.00 and Obama 22.38.
We all have a senile uncle that we don’t let interact with friends and acquaintances during large gatherings for fear he may make a spectacle out of himself.
Uncle Joe’s handlers keep him on a short leash, during press conferences he is given a list of reporters to call on, and they are rarely allowed to ask any follow-up questions. He provides short answers, and the only conservative journalist he calls on is the hapless Peter Doocy from Fox News. Doocy is good for comic relief, but there are serious conservative White House correspondents that Biden habitually ignores.
In order to demonstrate the transparency of his administration and his mental agility it’s imperative that Biden hold a lengthy formal press conference where he takes questions from all the journalists present, and allows each correspondent at least one follow-up question.