Thug Cat Knocks Over Laptop

Cats are drawn to laptops like mice are drawn to cheese and dogs to bones. Whenever I power up my laptop my cat wakes up from hibernation and plops down on the keyboard, making writing my articles a tedious and cumbersome enterprise.

If I try to nudge her out of the way, she stares at me as if she`s asking: You let sleeping dogs lie, so why won`t you let a kitty lie in peace in the warmth of your laptop?

God help me if I leave my laptop open, when I return I almost always discover that my mischievous furball has changed the font, deleted a folder or searched Google for “cat treats.”

But cats usually don`t knock over a laptop, after all why would they damage one of their favorite resting places? But here`s a video of a thug cat knocking over a laptop:

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