Roger Stone, longtime Trump confidant, was convicted was convicted on seven counts, including witness tampering and lying to investigators and sentenced to 40 months in a federal prison.
When you’re 67-years-old a 40-month sentence may very well encompass the rest of your life, so perhaps for the first time in his life the amoral political trickster is contemplating his spiritual state or at least pretending to do so.
He is free pending consideration of a motion he filed for a new trial, and instead of attending orgies the one-time swinger has been attending an evangelical church.
“I feel pretty good because I’ve taken Jesus Christ as my personal savior,” Stone said in his first on-camera interview since his sentencing. I’ve heard of jail house conversions, but this is a pre-jail house conversion. Stone is pretending to be an evangelical in hopes that Trump’s fanatical evangelical base will lobby their false Messiah to pardon him.
The Machiavellian political strategist also vouched for the genuineness of Trump’s faith:
“I think Trump has been forgiven for anything he did wrong. I think we all have. And I think he’s a different person. I think he is steadfast in his faith. I don’t think he could do this job if he was not.”
Stone’s theology is suspect, before a sinner can be forgiven, he must repent, and Trump has famously declared that he doesn’t need to repent because he’s done nothing wrong.
Anyway, Stone testifying to the sincerity of Trump’s faith is like a prostitute vouching for the chastity of a friend who works in the same brothel.
I’m not a theologian but I’m betting that there’s a special place reserved in hell for amoral bastards like Trump, Stone and white evangelicals who support them.