The ReAwaken America Tour, founded by former Donald Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, is a traveling religious/political circus that features the biggest grifters, conspiracy theorists and evangelical hucksters, like the MyPillow guy, Roger Stone and Eric Trump.
The audience for this alt-right festival is comprised of QAnon conspiracy theorists, white evangelical Christians, the MAGA faithful and Christian nationalists. In other words, the audience is almost completely white, you will spot only a handful of Uncle Toms.
During the ReAwaken Tour that started on Thursday at the Trump National Doral in Miami, an Uncle Tom preacher, Mark Burns, was actually allowed to address the audience.
The Oreo preacher delivered the toxic goods, he thundered from the stage:
“I believe without a shadow of a doubt, the only man that God has anointed him…to be the next President of the United States of America and that is Donald Trump.”
The pro-Trump sycophant suggested that violence is needed to establish a Christian Nationalist government.
“You got to get to the point where you realize that when they smack you in the face you smack them back two times harder.
The heretical pastor then suggested violence as he noted that the “Bible says the violent take it… and we take it by force,” in reference to Matthew 11:12, which reads, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”
Only at a ReAwaken America event would you heard a preacher turn Jesus’ message of non-violence upside down, and suggest that instead of turning the other cheek, you should pimp slap someone who slaps you.
If the ReAwaken America Tour makes a stop in your city, stay the hell away.