When Ted Cruz was asked to write a public tribute in Time magazine to the lowlife orange bully who mercilessly attacked him and his family during the 2016 presidential campaign, he would have politely declined if he had a shred of dignity.
But instead In his entry for the magazine`s 100 Most Influential People of 2018, Cruz lavished praise on his erstwhile enemy:
President Trump is a flash-bang grenade thrown into Washington by the forgotten men and women of America. The fact that his first year as Commander in Chief disoriented and distressed members of the media and political establishment is not a bug but a feature.
President Trump is doing what he was elected to do: disrupt the status quo. That scares the heck out of those who have controlled Washington for decades, but for millions of Americans, their confusion is great fun to watch.
Trump is a grenade thrown into Washington by a malevolent deity, a Joker if you will, who enjoys creating chaos and anarchy for its own sake. Trump isn`t just disrupting the media and the political establishment, he`s turning our society upside down.
Do we really need to be reminded that during the course of the 2016 campaign Trump christened the Texas senator “Lying Ted Cruz,” ridiculed his homely wife, and accused Cruz`s father of playing a role in the assassination of John Kennedy?
Where`s the Ted Cruz who called Trump a “sniveling coward,” “pathological liar” and a “big Loud New York bully” during the campaign?
It`s one thing to refrain from attacking the president for the sake of party loyalty, and it`s quite another to lavish praise on a moral degenerate.
Trump and Cruz represent the corruption of politicians in general, and Republicans in particular.
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