Woke: A word currently used to describe ‘consciousness’ and being aware of the truth behind things ‘the man’ doesn’t want you to know i.e. classism, racism, and any other social injustices. The term comes from a genuine place but is becoming overused. People mainly use it to sound like deep thinkers when they are really just following a trend.
The word “woke” often appears online as a hashtag on black Twitter and other liberal outposts. In real life people use this improper word in an incorrect tense and inappropriate context to appear hip, when in reality they are exposing themselves as pretentious poseurs. I short, anybody who uses the trendy word “woke” is a freaking zombie who needs to wake the hell up and smell the coffee.
Speaking of clueless zombies, Donald Trump’s official campaign website is selling “Woke” hats as part of an outreach to the black community. This is a sign that the word “woke” has completed its evolution from cool to pretentious to totally uncool, and should be banished.
How ironic that the same racist rednecks who wear MAGA hats may soon be wearing Woke hats.
Wake me up from this nightmare!