Four years ago, on June 16, 2015, Donald Trump slowly descended a golden escalator, with his trophy wife in tow, to the basement of the Trump Tower, to make his presidential announcement speech. It was a well-choreographed event, the reality show host even paid people $50 to attend and cheer his address.
On Saturday videos depicted Trump unsteadily walking down a ramp after delivering a speech to the graduating class at West Point. The last four years of wreaking havoc on America has taken a physical toll on the septuagenarian, it takes all his focus not to tumble as he balances his immense girth as he walks down a ramp.
The stable genius was furious at the ridicule of pundits and late-night comics who saw the video exposing his decrepit physical state. He tweeted:
“The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is ‘fall’ for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!”
Trump can descend an escalator and maintain a modicum of grace, but walking down stairs is an ordeal. He should avoid stairs whenever possible and use a walker to get around. But the short-fingered vulgarian is too vain to acknowledge his physical infirmities and he’d rather be dead than be forced to cry out: I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up.
It’s time to kick this doddering old geezer to the curb, he’s physically, mentally, ethically, and intellectually unfit to be the President of the United States.
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