“Taking the stage at a rally in Nevada Saturday night, President Donald Trump didn’t hold back.
He said his anger about a recent Democratic ad that highlighted his alleged comments disparaging dead American soldiers had freed him to take his campaign to the next level: ‘Now I can be really vicious,’ he said to roars of approval from the crowd of Trump supporters in Nevada.”
Donald Trump is the most vindictive, petty and vulgar president in history, his default mode is unhinged. He doesn’t have an internal thermostat; his rage is always at full boil.
Trump, who avoided military service by citing a bone spur in his foot, was caught on tape disparaging veterans who were wounded or captured or went missing in action. The release of the Bob Woodward tapes was devastating, they exposed Trump’s utter contempt for our hero warriors who sacrificed life and limb for our country.
Instead of apologizing and expressing regret Trump lashed out at Woodward, Democrats and anyone else who justifiably lambasted him. Now the stable genius is warning us that he’s going to take things to the next level, and be really vicious in his attacks on Biden.
Trump’s promise was greeted with roars of approval from the white evangelicals, rednecks and assorted riff-raff who attended his rally in Nevada.
White evangelicals don’t subscribe to Jesus’ message of love and peace, instead of turning the other cheek and forgiving your neighbor, they are as vindictive and hateful as their false messiah, Donald Trump.
The Woodward tapes, the Atlantic article as well as Trump’s mismanagement of the coronavirus epidemic have sealed his doom. But we must defeat Trump in a landslide to reject the vindictiveness, racism and intolerance of Trump and his white evangelical supporters.