Kamalanomenon: Kamala Harris is a Pop Culture Phenomenon

Before Kamala Harris became the Democratic presidential nominee, she was considered a political lightweight with a penchant for tossing word salads and cackling like a witch on crack. She had little respect, little influence, and the gravitas of a flea.

But when President Joe Biden dropped out of the race and endorsed her, she consolidated her power in lightning speed to the extent that no one challenged her for the nomination, and her most formidable rivals quickly endorsed her.

Kamala’s first major decision as a presidential nominee was a masterstroke, she chose the affable, personable everyman Tim Walz as her running mate. Harris who laughs at the drop of a dime and Walz who always has a smile dancing on his lips are political heavyweights and a pop culture phenomenon known as Kamalanomenon.

The Joe Biden presidential campaign was on life support, but the Kamala Harris campaign is on fire. Her rallies fill arenas, her campaign coffers are overflowing, and millions are signing up as volunteers.

The joyful duo is steamrolling the mean weirdos in the polls and in the affection of the electorate. Harris is dominating the news cycles as well as the social media buzz, she’s the hotting thing in pop culture. I am all in on Kamalanomenon, I have a Harris sign and garden flag on my front porch. If you want to save our democracy from the likes of Trump and Vance, you need to get with the program and do everything in your power to elect Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Tim Walz is Right, Donald Trump & JD Vance are so Weird

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz and newly minted running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris is the embodiment of normalcy. The former schoolteacher and high school football coach is as American as apple pie and as normal and welcoming as your favorite auto mechanic, school crossing guard and neighborhood mail carrier. With his bald pate, beer belly and bubbly demeanor he is as approachable and likeable as your beloved pastor or favorite bartender. He exudes goodness, harmony, and decency, in short, he is a good egg.

Serial sexual predator Donald Trump and his couch-humping running mate JD Vance are bad eggs who exude corruption, criminality, and creepiness. They are plain weird.

Trump is infamous for christening his political opponents with nasty nicknames and cruel adjectives describing their personas.

After a decade of Trump’s criminality, pathological lying, temper tantrums, unhinged rants, and spreading of conspiracy theories, we have become accustomed to his strange behavior.

It took a normal guy to remind us that Trump is weird, it is Walz who first called Republicans weird, and that adjective has stuck. It has unleashed a million memorable memes and viral moments.

A trans-hating conservative who has a penchant for wearing eyeliner, dressing in drag, and having intimate relations with a couch is just freaking weird.

A morbidly obese septuagenarian cursed with a mouth that resembles a sphincter, doll size hands, and raccoon eyes and yet has the nerve to criticize the personal appearance of women is just freaking weird.

Let’s make America Normal Again, let’s kick Donald Trump and his Mini-Me JD Vance to the curb.

What America needs now, more than ever, is the normalcy of Kamala Harris and her astounding running mate Tim Walz.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are Spreading the Joy

When Vice President Kamala Harris, dubbed “Laffin’ Kamala” by Trump, was considering whom to anoint as her running mate, there was a deep bench of qualified contenders: astronaut hero Sen. Mark Kelly, straight from central casting California Governor Gavin Newsom, wildly popular Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro, and youthful Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, to name a few.

Harris did not go for ideological or geological balance, instead she doubled down on the joy factor. Harris, who will burst into laughter at the drop of a dime, chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who is renowned for his jovial demeanor. Walz is the quintessential happy warrior whose enthusiastic nature never dims even when interacting with the political opposition.

During the vetting process Harris and Walz clicked, they shared the same gleeful vibe. Their cheerfulness is infectious, and their campaign rallies match Trump’s in crowd size, and exceed his in exuberance and exultation. These joyful warriors are drowning out Trump’s gloom and doom with their hopeful vision of liberty and freedom for everyone, including racial, religious, and sexual minorities.

When I consider these gleeful politicians not only do I feel motivated to vote for them, but I wish I could hug them and share in their rapture.

It is with a sense of elation that I will vote the Harris/Walz ticket.

Tim Walz ‘Tampon Tim’ for Vice President

“As governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz, now Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris’ running mate, signed a bill into law requiring school districts to place tampons and pads in girls’ bathrooms in schools serving grades 4-12.

The law required tampons to be placed in all school bathrooms, including the boys’ room.

Detroit Free Press

Tim Walz is the quintessential suburban dad you don’t mind sharing a beer with and discussing sports, current events, or even politics.

With his white hair, bald pate, beer belly and jovial expression, you would expect him to be a postal worker, auto mechanic or a baker, instead of a politician.

Republicans are desperate to produce a credible attack line against such a pleasant character; how can you denigrate a gentleman with such an impressive Resume: former teacher, high school football coach, and 24 years of military service?

The best they can do is dub him “Tampon Tim” for signing a bill requiring schools to place free tampons and pads in all bathrooms, including boys’ bathrooms, for the convenience of trans students.

I applaud Walz for signing this bill into law, it demonstrates his empathy for all female students and especially those who may not have the financial resources to afford female sanitary products.

And it’s not a federal crime or a mortal sin for a tampon dispenser to be placed in a boys’ restroom. It’s an acknowledgement that there may be trans or binary students who use the boys’ restroom.

I’m voting for “Tampon Tim”, I can count on him to represent all Americans, including sexual, religious and racial minorities.