Sean Spicer’s New Book ‘The Briefing’ a Colossal Failure

“`He is a unicorn, riding a unicorn over a rainbow.`

That`s how Sean Spicer lovingly describes his former boss in his new book, “The Briefing,” according to a copy obtained by the Guardian.”

Market Watch

Sean Spicer was mercilessly ridiculed during his short stint as the White House Press Secretary, nevertheless he sought to parlay his brief tenure as Trump`s lying lackey into a career as a cable news talking head and as an author.

CNN, MSNBC and every other legitimate news outlet flat-out turned him down, why would they besmirch their reputation by hiring a lying sack of crap?

Even Fox News home to conspiracy theorists, right-wing nutjobs and assorted assholes refused to offer Spicer a contract, although he frequently appears as an analyst.

Spicer`s career as an author thus far is an unmitigated disaster, his new book, “The Briefing” debuted in 20,0000th place on Amazon`s book chart. I could self-publish a book about Trump`s sphincter-like mouth and it would sell more copies.

Trump isn`t a beautiful mythical figure like a unicorn, he`s a flying pig shitting over a rainbow, and at the end of his rainbow is a faux-gold pot of steaming manure.

There should be no room on TV, indeed in polite society for any former member of the corrupt and racist Trump administration. Sean Spicer can ride his unicorn to an asylum, that`s where he belongs.

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