“The Swiss federal government plans to introduce a COVID-19 certificate by the summer, which would be compulsory in order to access places of worship in the country. A public consultation process is underway.
The Swiss Evangelical Alliance (SEA•RES) has rejected this measure, stating that “worship is an expression of our religious freedom to assemble and should not be regulated by identity checks of any kind.”
They point out in a statement that such regulation ‘would be disproportionate, as the evangelical churches have implemented other effective coronavirus protection measures from the outset.’”
It’s not just American evangelicals who are anti-science, anti-government and anti-social, these vices also infect Swiss evangelicals.
Evangelicals believe that their faith in an omnipotent deity inoculates them from having to abide by COVID regulations that are put in place to protect the entire community. Their mantra is “Jesus is my Vaccine”, and not “Follow the Science” or “Do unto others …”
Swiss evangelicals have their panties in a twist over the plan of the Swiss federal government to introduce a COVID-19 certificate by the summer, which would be necessary to attend any place of worship in the country.
They are not categorically opposed to a “COVID Passport”, they feel it might be practical to reduce the risk of infection at rock concerts for example, but they feel that churches should be exempt.
Actually, evangelical churches are a hotter breeding ground for the coronavirus than a rock concert, especially if it’s an outdoor concert. Think of the rituals and practices that are common in evangelical churches: Hugging, holy kisses, laying on of hands, praising God in a loud voice, choirs singing, all excellent means of spreading the deadly virus.
I am so tired of the selfishness, intolerance, ignorance and un-Christian behavior of evangelicals, not only in America, but around the world.