Mike Johnson the New Speaker of the House is a MAGA Extremist

The miraculous elevation of virtually unknown Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La to Speaker of the House has put his extremist views under the spotlight. His ultra-right voting record wasn’t vetted, examined or criticized until after his election.

It’s only now that most people, even people who follow politics closely, are realizing that the politician second in line to the presidency is a MAGA religious fanatic who is virulently anti-abortion, stridently anti-LGBTQ and a fundamentalist who believes in a literal interpretation of the myths, allegories and fantasies of the Old Testament.  This mild-mannered gentleman was the chief architect of the nefarious plan to overturn the 2020 presidential election.

This MAGA extremist has until now remained under the radar because he looks like an accountant or a middle school teacher, unlike fellow radical conservatives like Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and Steve Scalise who look reptilian and are physically repulsive.

Whereas Jordan, Biggs, Scalise et al shout and scream, Johnson delivers his noxious rhetoric in the measured tones of a Sunday School teacher.

Already Republicans are coming to his defense with the ridiculous claim that the media are exaggerating or misrepresenting his voting record. It’s all fake news, nothing to see here, just another conservative Republican vilified by the media and the so-called deep state.

Don’t be fooled by Johnson’s easy-going manner and polite demeanor, If Trump wins the election, and Johnson remains as Speaker of the House, this evil duo will turn our democracy into a White Christian Nationalist theocracy.

Kevin McCarthy Destroys and Diminishes His Speakership in Order to Save It

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy isn’t an idealogue, and he isn’t desperately attempting to become the Speaker of the House in order to enact a conservative political agenda.

McCarthy is a pragmatist and he will adopt whatever Republican political viewpoint is the flavor of the day. He has been scheming to hold the most powerful position in the House since at least 2015 simply because it’s the most powerful position.

A desperate man resorts to desperate measures to achieve his objective, and in order to win over the “Never Kevin” bloc McCarthy has made concessions that seriously dilute the power and authority of the speakership.

McCarthy even agreed to a House rule that would allow only one representative to push a “motion to vacate” forcing a vote on whether to oust the speaker.

McCarthy has destroyed his speakership in order to save it, and if he finally achieves his dream, he will be nothing but a figurehead who is destined to be voted out by Freedom Caucus representatives before the end of the year.


Democrats Slam Kevin McCarthy Over Joke About Hitting Nancy Pelosi With Gavel

“I want you to watch Nancy Pelosi hand me that gavel. It’ll be hard not to hit her with it.”

Kevin McCarthy

The House Minority Leader uttered these disturbing words at a July 31 event with Tennessee Republican state lawmakers.

Hopefully the Republicans won’t take over the House in the 2022 midterms, and McCarthy will remain the Minority Leader and he won’t be in possession of the Speaker’s gavel anytime in the future.

Many Democratic representatives are calling him to resign or at least apologize for his contemptible remark.

“It’s been 24 hours since @gopleader McCarthy threatened violence against @SpeakerPelosi. RT if he should apologize or resign,” Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) tweeted Sunday night.

To be clear, McCarthy wasn’t threatening violence against Pelosi, his comment was a pathetic attempt at a joke. But at the very least he should apologize for his intemperate remark. He may not have been actually threatening to hit Pelosi upside the head with a gavel, but some of Trump’s base may interpret his words as a call to action to physically assault the Speaker.

After all many Democratic congressional leaders are already receiving death threats associated with the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection.

Our democracy is polarized around political lines, and we need a statesman to serve as Speaker of the House, and McCarthy’s sick joke is all the evidence we need that he is unworthy to wield the Speaker’s gavel.

Trump is Right! Paul Ryan is Weak, Ineffective & Stupid. Just Like Trump

“People like….Paul Ryan almost killed the Republican Party. Weak, ineffective & stupid are not exactly the qualities that Republicans, or the CITIZENS of our Country, were looking for. Right now our spirit is at an all time high, far better than the Radical Left Dems.

Donald Trump tweet

Trump is a master of projection, “weak, ineffective & stupid” are of course characteristics that perfectly describe the short-fingered vulgarian.

It wasn’t Paul Ryan and the spineless Republican leaders who killed the Grand Old Party, they merely looking on helplessly as Trump eviscerated the party and then pissed all over the entrails.

However, Trump is spot on, Paul Ryan is weak, ineffective and stupid. Why is it that Republican congressional leaders only discover that they have vocal chords, a spine, and gonads after they leave office?

Trump turned his fury on Ryan after an interview the former Speaker of the House gave to Tim Alberta for the book “American Carnage.” In the book Ryan is quoted as saying:

“We’ve gotten so numbed by it all. Not in government, but where we live our lives, we have a responsibility to try and rebuild. Don’t call a woman a ‘horse face.’ Don’t cheat on your wife. Don’t cheat on anything. Set a good example.”

These words would have had so much more impact if he had uttered them when he was the Speaker of the House, now they just sound like the words of a retired politician who is striving to remain relevant.

In order to get his precious tax cuts that benefited the wealthy Ryan sacrificed his soul and his legacy. STFU Ryan, we don’t need to hear from weak moral cowards!