Rudolph Giuliani was a controversial mayor of the New York City, to many his aggressive strategy to combat crime that singled out young men of color for special scrutiny from the police symbolized what was rotten in the Big Apple.
But Giuliani’s leadership, and tireless effort to unite and comfort Gotham in the aftermath of 9/11 turned him into a superhero: America’s Mayor.
In recent years Giuliani has attached himself like a leech to the corrupt and decadent Donald Trump, and he has undergone another metamorphosis, from America’s Mayor to America’s laughingstock.
In his role as Trump’s personal lawyer he rants and raves in defense of his boss on cable news. With his peculiar teeth (Perfect dentures on top and broken yellowed teeth on bottom) he looks like a cartoon villain. In fact, I don’t understand why he hasn’t been cast as the Penguin in a Batman movie, he’s a twin to the dastardly criminal.
Giuliani misses the limelight of his glory days as America’s Mayor and there is nothing, he won’t do to debase himself as Trump’s personal lawyer to remain relevant.
Trump doesn’t mind Giuliani’s friendship, I guess birds of a feather (vultures) flock together. Trump likes having the disgraced former mayor by his side, because he is so physically revolting that he makes the fat orange baboon look good. If only there was a real-life dynamic duo of Batman and the Boy Wonder to give Trump and his sidekick a solid beating and drive them out of the White House