“The CEO of Goya Foods, which bills itself as the country’s largest Hispanic-owned food company, praised President Donald Trump during a visit to the White House on Thursday.
Social backlash followed.
The hashtags #Goyaway and #BoycottGoya soon began trending on Twitter, while some Latinos also expressed disappointment with the CEO’s praise for a president who they say continuously attacks Latinos.
‘We’re all truly blessed at the same time to have a leader like President Trump, who is a builder,’ CEO Robert Unanue said during a speech after a roundtable with Trump and other Hispanic leaders.”
USA Today
Donald Trump’s toxic Twitter posts, racist rhetoric and policies that seem designed to punish minorities expose him as a blatant racist. As Maya said, when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
In the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump is a racist, at this point anyone who still supports him is a racist, or a morally suspect person who realizes that he’s a racist, but overlooks, rationalizes or tries to explain away his racism out of political expediency or personal gain.
Trump revealed his enmity toward the Latino community since his first campaign speech for the presidency, in which he described Mexican immigrants as “rapists” and “criminals.”
For the CEO of Goya Foods, a brand beloved by Latinos, to heap praise on the racist-in-chief is unforgivable, and he must be punished. Unanue’s epitaph should read:
“We’re truly blessed to have a leader like Donald Trump.”
Goya brands are as ubiquitous in Hispanic households as jars of mayonnaise are in MAGA households. No more I say, no more! Boycott Goya brands! Enough is Enough! We must not tolerate hypocrites and traitors in our ranks!