“The term evangelical derives from the Greek word euangelion meaning ‘gospel’ or ‘good news.’ Technically speaking, evangelical refers to a person, church, or organization that is committed to the Christian gospel message that Jesus Christ is the savior of humanity.”
The Atlantic
An evangelical is a Christian who evangelizes, or preaches the Good News that Jesus saves. An evangelical is a proselytizer, or a true believer who seeks to induce everyone to convert to his faith.
Trump-supporting, anti-science, anti-immigrant and homophobic Christian evangelicals have made the word “evangelicals” a pejorative. Perhaps we should call them proselytizers, a word with an even worse connotation.
Evangelical charity springs from an evil motivation, it usually comes with strings attached:
If you are homeless, we will provide you with a bowl of soup and a bed for the night, but first you must listen to a Gospel sermon.
If you can’t feed your family, we will give you access to our food pantry, but first you must read a Gospel tract.
I’ve met multitudes of evangelicals who feel sorry for the poor, sick and hungry, but very few who empathize with them.
The unconverted aren’t nameless, soulless sinners in need of salvation, they are fellow human beings trying to make sense of a senseless world.
Evangelicals make friends with “sinners” not because they understand the value of befriending someone with a different worldview, but because they seek to convert them.
I wonder just how many converts they’re making these days, when their racism, bigotry, homophobia, misogyny and support for the amoral Donald Trump is contradicting their message of the love of Jesus Christ.
Whether you call them evangelicals, proselytizers or Neanderthals, all I know is that they are the enemies of true Christianity.