“My daughter’s name is Klaire, she’s 12. She hates her first name and wants it to be ‘Ace’. She wants it legally changed. Both her mother and I are against that.
I hate it. I said it’d be ok as a nickname but she’s not okay with that.
What do I do?”
Jason Ernst Tweet
When I want to know what people are talking about, I check out what’s trending on Twitter. When I woke up to see “She’s 12” trending I automatically thought, “is Trump’s latest sexual assault victim only 12?” After all the predator-in-chief has been making disturbing comments about young girls for years. In a 1992 recording, a 46-year old Trump asks a little girl if she’s going to go up an escalator. Then the short-fingered vulgarian turns to the camera and says, “I am going to be dating her in 10 years. Can you believe it?” A rhetorical question, nobody doubts that he would date a much younger woman. In 2016 a woman filed a civil suit against Trump alleging he raped her when she was only 13. So yes, I thought that the serial sexual predator had assaulted or molested a 12-year-old girl. Can you blame me?
The second thought that came to my mind was: Did creepy Joe Biden revert to his pre-pandemic penchant of groping underage girls? Social distancing rules help prevent the spread of the coronavirus and they have the added benefit of keeping Biden from getting to touchy-feely with prepubescent girls. Don’t believe me, search “creepy Joe Biden” on YouTube and you will find dozens of videos that chronicle Biden’s inappropriate behavior with little girls.
Actually, the hashtag is in reference to a father whose 12-year-old daughter wants to change her name from “Klaire” to “Ace.” I just hope and pray that sexual predators will stay the hell away from Klaire/Ace.
We live in a society that sexualizes young girls, and Trump and Biden aren’t the only ones who take an unhealthy interest in young girls. Twelve isn’t the new 18, and anyone who molests young children should be locked up for a very long time, hopefully forever.