Donald Trump loved the pomp and circumstance of the presidency in the same manner that a pimp loves the perks of his profession, the diamond-encrusted pimp stick, the gold-plated pimp cup and the tricked-out Cadillac Escalade.
Trump loved disembarking from Air Force One and strutting to a lectern emblazoned with the presidential seal and addressing his supporters who would hang on his every inane word, he was a master of the pimp game.
But Trump hated the actual work of running the country, he spent his mornings in bed watching the cable news programs, strolled to the Oval Office at noon to give his aides an opportunity to tell him what a great job he was doing, played golf in the afternoon, and topped of the day by tweeting until the early morning hours.
When Trump was president, he was the happiest when he was holding a MAGA rally, a cult leader craves and needs the adulation of his disciples. Trump has fooled himself into believing that he won the election and that he’s still the legitimate president, and next month he will start holding MAGA rallies again.
I expect enthusiastic crowds at his rallies, and his white evangelical followers to worship him as their messiah, with the expectation that the rallies will hasten the Second Coming of Donald Trump.
But I also expect the mainstream media to ignore his rallies, pundits to criticize his narcissism and late-night comics to mock him mercilessly.
A pimp’s mantra is “Pimps Up, Ho’s Down”, and Trump’s slogan is “I rule, and my followers bow down.”
If only white evangelicals would realize that they ain’t nothing but Trump’s hoes.