“After a weekend golfing at his New Jersey course, President Donald J. Trump backtracked on his announcement that he would throw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 15. Trump cited his focus on the coronavirus pandemic and economy as the reason for his reversal, which came less than 24 hours after Yankees Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron Hicks knelt during the national anthem in support of the Black Lives Matter movement and racial injustice protests going on across the country.
New York Daily News
Donald Trump’s strategy for dealing with the coronavirus pandemic that has infected over four million Americans and killed almost 150,00 is to ignore it and hope that one day it will miraculously disappear.
Trump makes time to golf almost every weekend at one of his golf resorts, and when he’s in the White House most of his time is devoted to executive time: tweeting, watching cable news outlets, and counting how many times he flushes the toilet.
Yet Trump had the chutzpah to say that he won’t be able to throw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium on August 15 because he’s too busy dealing with the coronavirus pandemic.
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s horrific ceremonial first pitch before the Nationals-Yankees game must be weighing heavy on Trump’s mind. I seriously doubt the morbidly obese president can throw a ball the distance of 60 feet, 6 inches from the pitching mound to home plate.
The good-natured Dr. Fauci laughed off his wild first pitch, but the insecure narcissist Trump would be devastated if screwed up his first pitch and was ridiculed by the press and late-night comics.
The August 15 game will be played without fans in Yankee Stadium, and Trump wouldn’t have to worry about a large crowd booing him unmercifully because of the horrible way he’s managed the pandemic. However, he would certainly not be warmly received by the players, and they might even laugh at him if his throw falls somewhere between the pitching mound and home base.
You made the right move loser, just stay home and don’t tarnish the national pastime with your unwanted presence.