I am an unapologetic misanthrope. I believe organized religion is a curse and a blight on humanity, but there may be some truth to the Calvinist belief in the total depravity of man. History is a record of our incorrigible inhumanity towards each other and our fellow creatures. In short, I would be averse to celebrating National Humanity Day. (if such a holiday existed)
Today is National Dog Day and it is celebrated every year on August 26 and is dedicated to the love of man’s best friend. Though I am loath to celebrate National Humanity Day, I enthusiastically celebrate National Dog Day.
Canines exude love, loyalty and loveliness, and humans have a natural affinity for these furry angels. I would never deduce that a total stranger is a “good man” or a “good woman”, there’s always something offsetting about even the best of us. But I do not know how many times I’ve petted a pooch I’ve just met and told him, “Good Boy.”
Dogs are our better angels, and they bring out the best in us. I find it difficult to trust people, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to a person who owns a dog or a cat. If humanity is ever successful in climbing out of its moral cesspool it will be because we learn to value and love our fellow animals. A dog will lead us to salvation.