Porn is as ubiquitous as puppies and kittens in suburban homes; the most extreme hardcore porn is just a click away, from not only adults but children. The easy availability of porn has resulted in a growing mainstream acceptance.
The only ones who rail against porn are some feminists and evangelicals who preach against porn even though studies reveal that red states are the biggest consumers of X-rated videos.
Americans believe they are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness (watching free porn online.) A politician would be well-advised not to attempt to ban internet porn. Enter Senator Mike Lee, he introduced The Interstate Obscenity Act bill which has one main purpose: to make internet porn illegal.
Mike Lee is a devout Mormon, and he finds sexually explicit material objectionable on religious grounds. It’s irrelevant if consuming pornography is against the Bible, Koran or the Book of Mormon, the Constitution is the law of the land, not the aforementioned scriptures.
I can understand if a person finds porn objectionable and wants to ban it on the grounds that it objectifies and demeans women. Indeed, the vast majority of adult material reduces women to body parts, orifices for the sexual gratification of males.
I can also understand if a person wants to make it difficult for children to access X-rated material, watching porn can do irreparable harm to young children.
But the genie is out of the bottle and attempting to ban internet porn is a fool’s errand. Porn is free speech and it’s here to stay. If you find erotica sinful or demeaning to women don’t watch it and if you have children, monitor what they watch online