The Naked Truth About Donald Trump

It`s axiomatic that Donald Trump has diminutive hands and by extension a tiny penis.

The Donald brags that he`s well-endowed, but is there anyone who doubts that he would have pulled out his penis during the primary debate when Little Marco implied that he had a tiny pecker, if he was telling the truth?

But enough discussion about Trump`s micro-penis, it turns out that he`s also been lying about his stature. Trump claims he`s 6`3,” but his driver`s license lists him at 6`2.”

Pinocchio`s nose grew whenever he told a lie; if Trump`s Johnson grew an inch every time he fibbed he would be the biggest dick in the world – literally, not just figuratively.

Trump likes to boast about his high IQ, and his staffers have said that he has an IQ of 156. But his grammatically-challenged tweets and his speeches which are written at a 6th grade level suggest otherwise. Snopes.Com labels the claim that Trump has an IQ of 156 as FALSE.

In summary Trump has a short attention span, short temper, dull mind, and a tiny worm. Let`s hope and pray that Trump doesn`t get into a pissing contest with world leaders, and that his fingers will be too tiny to dial the red phone.

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