Mike Pence launched “Latinos for Trump” in Miami on Tuesday, a quixotic effort by the Trump re-election campaign to motivate Latino voters in advance of the 2020 election.
Miami, a stronghold of conservative Cuban-Americans, is one of the few cities where Pence could hold a “Latinos for Trump” event without being laughed out of town.
“I promise you from the first day of this administration, President Trump has been fighting for the values that are really synonymous with Hispanic and Latino immigrants. Hard work, faith, family, freedom, educational choice, and the American way,” he had the audacity to say.
Pence’s lying rhetoric may have resonated with Miami’s middle class Cuban community, but the 1.2 million Puerto Ricans living in the Sunshine State, many who fled from Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, surely recognized it as unadulterated BS.
Since the day Trump announced that he was running for president by branding Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals, he’s been on a mission from God to disenfranchise Hispanic Americans and to demonize Latino immigrants.
Trump separates children from their parents at the border, depriving them of freedom and basic necessities by housing them in concentration camps. How the hell is that synonymous with respecting Latino values of freedom, family and faith?
Latinos suffering under the Trump regime are already motiving to vote in the 2020 election, and we’re going to kick that racist to the curb.