“There will be many Trumps in the House chamber for the president`s State of the Union address Tuesday night – but one Trump is not in the family. He`s Joshua Trump, an 11-year-old boy from Delaware who was bullied over the last name he shares with the president. President Trump and first lady Melania Trump invited the sixth grader to attend as their guest.”
CBS News
Indeed, there will be many Trumps in the House chamber for the president`s State of the Union address Tuesday night, but Tiffany Trump, the so-called bimbo of the Trump clan, has exercised remarkable wisdom by rarely appearing in public with her notorious family, and I doubt she will be in attendance tonight.
One Trump who`s not in the family, Joshua Trump, is the special guest of President Trump and first lady Melania Trump. He`ll be there by virtue of being bullied over the surname he shares with the bully-in-chief.
The boy was bullied over his name so much that for a while his parents homeschooled him. When he`s seen on nationwide TV tonight as the special guest of the short-fingered vulgarian, not only will he be continued to be bullied by his classmates, but he will be bullied online by millions.
Inviting Joshua Trump to the State of the Union speech makes as much sense as a teacher presenting a certificate of cleanliness, politeness and good grammar to a bullied student. I predict that Joshua will be homeschooled until he graduates from high school.
Shame on the Trumps, especially Melania, for using the child in such a cynical way. Melania has made anti-bullying her pet crusade, surely there`s a special place reserved in hell for such a hypocrite.
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