Evangelical Pastor John Hagee Urges Congress Not to Deescalate Gaza/Israel War

The Old Testament prophet Isaiah referred to the coming messiah as “the prince of peace.” Indeed, Christ’s temperament, behavior and message was the embodiment of peace.

If Jesus, who urged his followers to “turn the other cheek”, and to “love their enemies”, returned to Earth he would be a peace ambassador seeking to deescalate wars all over the world.

Pastor John Hagee the most influential Israel lobbyist in America and an evangelical firebrand is the antithesis of the gentle and peace-loving Jesus. With the Middle East on the brink of exploding into World War III, he went to Congress to lobby lawmakers “not to deescalate” but to do something to help Israel.

Hagee wants the Gaza/Israel to spiral out of control, because according to his eschatological interpretation of the Bible that will lead to Armageddon and the Rapture of the church.

Hagee could care less that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians, and he could also care less that according to his interpretation of scripture Armageddon will result in the massacre of most Israelis.

Hagee’s apocalyptic sermons inspires his followers to flood him with donations, and that’s all he really cares about.

Pastor John Hagee’s Cornerstone Church Holds Rally Where Audience Chants ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’

John Hagee’s Cornerstone Church in San Antonio hosted the Reawaken America Tour when a speaker led the audience in a chant of “Let’s Go, Brandon,” a euphemism for “Fuck Joe Biden.”

Several prominent Christian figures condemned the chant, arguing it was out of place at a gathering held in a Christian church.

I agree that such a hateful and disrespectful chant is out of place at a Christian house of worship, but it’s not out of place at an evangelical church. I draw a distinction between Christianity and the Evangelical movement, which is a bastardization of the faith.

John Hagee is an influential evangelical leader and a vehement defender of former president Donald Trump, and the evangelical movement has made common cause with Trump and every vile thing he stands for.

Instead of abjectly apologizing the Cornerstone Church issued the following press release:

“This past week, Cornerstone Church facilities were used by an outside organization. Cornerstone Church is not associated with this organization and does not endorse their views.”

Hagee rented his facilities to an organization he knew was far-right and white nationalist in its leanings, and he is responsible for everything take takes place in his church. Unlike Hagee I’m not a sanctimonious asshole who pretends to be shocked by the use of profanity. All I have to say is Fuck John Hagee, Fuck Reawaken America and Fuck Evangelicals.