Jewelry Store’s ‘Throw Rocks at Girls’ Billboard Creates Backlash

“A North Carolina jewelry store apologized to anyone offended by a billboard bearing a controversial message: Sometimes, it`s OK to throw rocks at girls.

The billboard, which featured the words surrounded by precious stones, sparked a backlash on social media when it was erected by Spicer Greene Jewelers in Asheville.


This controversial billboard fosters a culture of violence against women. It`s never OK to joke around that it`s permissible to perpetrate acts of violence against women.

Leaving aside the imagery of violence against women as a marketing tool, this odious billboard implies that women are superficial creatures who can be bought off with precious stones.

After the strong social media backlash the owners apologized and promised to donate ten percent of sales through Sunday to Helpmate, a local domestic violence shelter.

Anybody who jokes about throwing rocks at girls has a caveman mentality, boycott Spicer Greene Jewelers in Asheville.

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