There have been protests to reopen the economy in several states, and the protesters are the usual suspects: militia members, white evangelicals, Tea Party activists, white supremacists and antivaccination activists. These assorted nuts are vehemently opposed to the common sense measures that governors have taken to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
In these rallies signs proclaiming “Jesus is my vaccine” are ubiquitous, these protesters aren’t shy about exposing their ignorance to the world.
Faith in Jesus and two bucks won’t buy you a cup of coffee at Starbucks, let alone protect you from the coronavirus. The virus is no respecter of persons, it infects Muslims, Jews, mainstream Christians and nutjob white evangelicals at the same rate.
I wonder if some of those morons brandishing “Jesus is my vaccine” signs are referring to Donald Trump their false messiah, and not Jesus Christ. After all, these fools not only drink the Kool-Aid but swallow disinfectant to inoculate them from the virus, per the suggestion of their Dear Leader.
The temptation is to dismiss their ignorance and just rest in the knowledge that their misguided faith will result in cleaning up the gene pool. But their stupidity affects all of us, their defiance of social distancing and refusal to take vaccines for any disease spreads the coronavirus.
Jesus is my vaccine? I’m sorry, but there’s no vaccine against ignorance and stupidity!