On August 2021 the Senate gave overwhelming bipartisan approval to a $1 trillion infrastructure bill to rebuild the nation’s deteriorating roads, bridges, waterways ports and airports.
The vote, 69 to 30, was shocking, considering the toxic atmosphere of the Senate where bipartisanship consensus is almost impossible to achieve. If the Democrats in the Senate passed a resolution stating that the world is round, the vote would be 50 to 50, with all Republicans voted against the measure, if their Dear Leader Donald Trump declared that the Earth is as flat as Taylor Swift’s butt.
This was a monumentally historical legislative victory, and the Democrats who control the House should have immediately approved the bill and sent it to President Joe Biden to sign.
But progressive Democrats held the infrastructure bill hostage until moderate Democrats committed to supporting the social policy and climate change package, known as the Build Back Better Act.
On November the House finally passed the infrastructure bill and a couple of weeks later Biden finally signed the bill. Shame on the Democrats for playing politics and needlessly delaying passage of the infrastructure bill that will rebuild and repair our failing infrastructure, make our buildings more energy efficient, create thousands of good jobs and stimulate the economy.
But we must not lose sight of the fact that administrations going back decades punted the ball, and the Trump administration famously held an infrastructure bill almost every other week.
So, congratulations are certainly in order for the Biden administration. Bravo!