Despite repeated warnings from authorities against non-essential travel during the coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump flew to Virginia on Saturday to bid bon voyage to the US Navy ship USNS Comfort as it departs for the epicenter of the virus in the United States, New York City.
Trump flying to Norfolk for a photo op is the epitome of non-essential travel, he could have simply tweeted the hospital ship bon voyage instead of travelling hundreds of miles to “kiss it goodbye.”
The physicians, nurses, anesthesiologists, orderlies, x-ray technicians and other medical staff onboard the Comfort are desperately needed in the Big Apple, and it’s crying shame if their departure from Norfolk is delayed even for a few minutes for a Trump photo-op.
A morbidly obese septuagenarian with an underlying heart condition is the last person on Earth who should be engaging in non-essential travel.
As president of the United States Trump should be setting an example for everyone by sheltering-in-place at the White House. Most Americans are doing their patriotic duty by staying home during the coronavirus crisis in their modest homes, it’s not unreasonable to expect the stable genius to remain in his White House mansion.
Trump engaging in non-essential travel begs the question: is anything the freaking moron does essential? Wouldn’t we be better off, especially during a global pandemic, if Trump simply disappeared?