Donald Trump is Halloween’s Scariest Monster on New Yorker Cover

“Even scary-looking characters run from a trick-or-treating Donald Trump on The New Yorker`s Halloween-themed cover.

In the artwork titled “Boo!” that fronts the Nov. 5 issue, the president grins as he saunters down the street holding two jack-o`-lantern buckets overstuffed with candy. But his presence strikes fear into other trick-or-treaters dressed in spooky costumes. They attempt to skedaddle as their hard-earned treats fall to the ground.”

Huffington Post

It boggles the mind that evangelical Christians and other assorted riff-raff look upon Trump with fondness as a heroic figure.

True believers overlook Trump`s moral failures and personality flaws out of political expedience, but nobody remains enthralled by a con man forever, and within their lifetimes they will come to their senses.

In the future Donald Trump will be universally perceived as a scary monster like Joseph Stalin or Adolf Hitler.

The New Yorker`s Halloween-themed cover depicting Trump as a trick-or-treater scaring the Bejesus out of other trick-or-treaters dressed in frightening costumes in a testament that not everybody in our generation drank the Kool-Aid.

In the artwork titled “Boo” Trump grins as he saunters down the street, seemingly oblivious that everyone is fleeing from his unholy presence.

The resistance is cognizant of the damage Trump is doing to our democratic institutions and our social norms, and we are determined to keep him in check by voting blue November 6, 1918.

Join me in defeating this Halloween monster by voting for Democrats in the midterm election.

link to pic of New Yorker cover:

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