Exodus From Organized Religion is America’s Salvation

“Gallup’s pollsters began measuring church membership in 1937 — 84 years ago — and found that 73% of Americans belongs to a church. Earlier this year, Gallup reported that membership in any church or denomination fell below 50% om 2020 and now stands at 47% and dropping.”

Blue Ridge Muse

Atheists, agnostics and people who simply believe that the existence or non-existence of a deity has no bearing on how they live their lives find educational, recreational and invigorating ways to spend their Sunday mornings. You’ll find these good folks reading a book, jogging, walking a dog, watching a football game or enjoying a leisurely breakfast while the pious are sitting in their pews listening to their preacher.

If you’re an evangelical who attends church religiously, but have misgivings about your pastor mixing the Gospel with reactionary politics and are embarrassed to be seen entering a church where Trump is revered as a messiah figure, you should join us and find a more productive ways to spend your Sunday mornings.

There’s a nationwide exodus of spiritual people walking away from organized religion and worshipping God in nature, in fellowship with people of diverse belief systems, and in solitary contemplation.

WWJD? If Jesus returned today, I doubt that he would attend a megachurch or any kind of church; on Sundays, you would find him working in a soup kitchen, volunteering in a hospital or prison or playing with a pooch.

Find freedom from organized religion, you’ll get much more joy and fulfillment playing with your pet on a Sunday morning than listening to your pastor’s divisive sermons.

The Church is Dying and That’s a Good Thing for Democracy and Humanity

“Fewer than half of Americans belong to a house of worship, a new study shows, but religion – and Christianity in particular – continues to have an outsize influence in US politics, especially because it is declining faster among Democrats than Republicans.

Just 47% of the US population are members of a church, mosque or synagogue, according to a survey by Gallup, down from 70% two decades ago – in part a result of millennials turning away from religion but also, experts say, a reaction to the swirling mix of rightwing politics and Christianity pursued by the Republican party.”

The Guardian

Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority” was an immoral minority in the 1980’s and the toxic racist Gospel of white evangelicals is even less relevant today.

Americans are turning away from organized religion in general and the evangelical sect in particular; religion is irrelevant in an age when science, technology and globalism reign supreme.

The white evangelical brand of Christianity is synonymous with racism, false conspiracy theories and Trumpism and young people in particular want nothing to do with it.

Enlightened souls place empirical truth, common sense and reality before conspiracy theories and extreme and literal interpretations of ancient scriptures.

Banning abortion, disenfranchising minorities, and treating LGBTQ individuals as lepers may be foremost in the minds of white evangelicals, but everybody else is concerned with paying the rent, putting food on the table and defeating the coronavirus.  

Empty pews aren’t a sign of godlessness or the End Times, it’s a sign that Americans have evolved past the need for hierarchical and patriarchal religious organizations.

We don’t need a pedophile priest or a money-hungry televangelist to be a mediator between us and the Almighty.

The pandemic has taught us that we can survive and thrive without clerics and churches. The bonds that we have with our family, co-workers, friends and neighbors is tighter than any bond we used to have with our ministers. The church is dying and that’s good for democracy and humanity.

Outrage: Vatican Won’t Bless Same-sex Unions, Calling Homosexuality a ‘Sin’ and a ‘Choice’

Pope Francis has been viewed with cautious optimism by LGBTQ groups because of his history of gay-friendly remarks like his statement published in 2020, that homosexuals are “part of the family” and that same-sex couples need a “civil union law.”

It’s unwise to bet on the Roman Catholic Church or practically any other organized religion to treat lesbians and gays as spiritual beings intrinsically worthy of all the blessings of God.

The hopes that after centuries of oppression, persecution and demonization of gays and lesbians that the Catholic Church would finally recognize, sanction and bless same-sex marriage were dashed by the Church’s statement, approved by Pope Francis, that the Church cannot bless same-sex marriages because it can’t bless sin.

The Catholic Church takes false pride in the pontiff’s statement that same-sex couples deserve a “civil union law”, but the LGBTQ community isn’t second-class in a legal or spiritual sense, and same-sex marriages deserve to be accepted by the legal and spiritual community everywhere in the world.

The Catholic Church is a misogynist, homophobic and patriarchal organization that condones pedophilia and protects pedophile priests, and enlightened and spiritual people shouldn’t be looking to them for what is blessed or not blessed by the Almighty.