I just went to a MACDONALD’S and there was no MCFISH on the menu. When the hell did that happen? Is it permanently banned? Or is just my “local” MACDONALD’S. I demanded to see the “manager” but they accused me of being a “MALE KAREN” so i walked out.
Tweet by Newsmax anchor Greg Kelly
What is it with QAnon crackpots and their penchant for misspelling and capitalizing common words? It’s McDonald’s and not MACDONALD’S; Kelly could have spared himself the embarrassment of misspelling the name of the All-American fast-food behemoth if he had simply taken a look at the image of the McDonald’s restaurant that he posted with his tweet.
What a MCIDIOT, of course there’s no MCFISH on the menu, just like there’s no MCBURGER and no MCHOTDOG. Anyone who regularly patronizes McDonald’s knows that their fish sandwich is the Filet-O-Fish and it’s still available for those with idiosyncratic tastes.
It must have been at least a MCDECADE ago when Kelly last went to a McDonald’s, or he would have known the correct spelling of the restaurant and the correct name of their fish sandwich. Methinks Kelly is just an elitist egghead pretending to be a man of the people.
I think this fake conspiracy theorist is just posting a fake anecdote on Twitter, he doesn’t strike me as someone with the nerve to demand to see the manager. Kelly, you aren’t a MALE KAREN, you’re more like a MALE PUSSY.