Donald Trump is consumed with expanding his business empire and burnishing his brand, and demeaning and ridiculing any perceived threats to his financial dynasty or his political power.
There is simply no room in Trump’s consciousness for God, a belief in a Creator isn’t congruent with his business model of winning by any means necessary. Although expressing a belief in the Biblical God is necessary to hold onto his evangelical base.
I give Trump credit for not pretending to be a devout Christian, he almost never mentions God, and he famously declared that he’s never asked the Supreme Being for forgiveness, because he’s never done anything wrong. Never mind that he commits the Seven Deadly Sins on an almost daily basis, and by all accounts he’s a moral degenerate.
Trump has never attended church regularly in his adult life, in fact the only time he darkens the doors of a church are on Christmas and Easter. Maybe if a white evangelical congregation names their church after Trump, he might attend church more regularly.
Recently Trump has started to invoke the name of God, religious rhetoric is creeping into his stump speeches that are still dominated by xenophobia, misogyny, racist dog whistles and just plain buffoonery.
On Thursday, Trump celebrated the National Day of Prayer at the White House, and he said the Almighty had helped him persevere through the ordeal of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. Trump doesn’t drink or take illicit drugs, I imagine that what really helped him persevere through the ordeal of the Mueller investigation was hookers and hamburgers.
In that same speech Trump also said:
“One of the things that Mike and I were discussing just a little while ago—people are so proud to be using that beautiful word, God, and they’re using the word God again, and they’re not hiding from it. They’re not being told to take it down, and they’re not saying we can’t honor God. In God we trust. So important.”
Yeah, Right. It will be a cold day in hell when Trump discusses the Almighty with Pence. In fact, the only context in which Trump would discuss God with Pence is when he is admonishing on how to look at him when he is delivering a speech:
Listen Pence you holy rolling piece of shit! You’d better gaze at me adoringly while I’m speaking. Just pretend I’m your daddy or you’re freaking God!
So what’s up with Trump employing more God talk? Let’s just say that God didn’t help him persevere through the ordeal of the Mueller investigation, but invoking God is helping him deal with its aftermath. Throw in a few God is beautiful comments, and his evangelical base might be distracted from the finding of the Special Counsel’s report, namely that he obstructed justice and that his administration is a shit show.