Donald Trump Doesn’t Know England From the UK From a Hole in the Ground

“Trump appeared not to know the difference among the United Kingdom, Great Britain and England during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, on Thursday night.

`I have great respect for the U.K., United Kingdom, great respect,` said Trump. `People call it Britain. They call it Great Britain. They used to call it England, different parts.`

Folks online were keen to point out that Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales – and the United Kingdom is made up of those three countries, plus Northern Ireland. They also noted how the country of England is most definitely still called England, despite Trump`s claim.

Huffington Post

When Trump delivers a stump speech at a rally it`s a stream of consciousness flood of lies, insults and nonsense; it`s difficult to discern if the words are emanating from his sphincter-like mouth or his actual a-hole.

It`s safe to assume there`s no atlas in his mind, and he confuses England from the United Kingdom from a hole in the ground. It`s a sorry state of affairs when the putative Leader of the Free World doesn`t know jack about geography.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but everybody who isn`t a wanker calls our ally “England.”

I wouldn`t be surprised if Prime Minister Theresa May, whom some idiots call “President,” sends an email to Trump requesting that he never set foot on English soil again.

Every time Trump opens his trap he proves that he`s no stable genius, but a man of dubious intelligence, otherwise know as a fuc*ing moron.

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Adorable British Kids Criticize Donald Trump: Video

Chelsea interviews some of Britain`s youngest voters on their knowledge about POTUS, and their answers couldn`t be more spot on. Among some of the key takeaways? Donald Trump owns a wig closet, has orange skin, and is racist. Now THAT`s not fake news.

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I have read dozens of articles by scholars criticizing Donald Trump`s troubling personality and his incoherent policies in detail with footnotes and annotations.

But you don`t need to be a political science major, or even an adult, to discern that there is something seriously wrong with Trump.

These adorable British children intuitively realize that Trump is a fuc**d up wanker. Chelsea Handler asks little Charlie what he knows about Trump, and he responds: Well, for start, he`s got an orange face. Charlie knew that Trump`s orange face was indicative of a serious psychological disorder. Nobody is his right mind is going to slather his face with fake orange tan, the president`s orange complexion is an outward manifestation of a sick mind.

Then Charlie added: I know he doesn`t like people with brown skin. Any adult with a modicum of common sense will quickly deduce by examining Trump`s policies and statements that he`s a blatant racist. But even a child will instinctively sense that he is a bigot.

Trump has been put down by intellectuals, stand-up comics, and political commentators, but never more adorably than by these British school kids.

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