Michele Bachmann: Iran Will be Decimated if it Attacks Israel

“An Iranian attack on Israel is senseless and suicidal for Iran.

Iran will be decimated. Israel will survive and win against any Iranian attack.”

Michele Bachmann

Bachmann isn’t your typical evangelical yahoo perfunctory spouting off against Israel’s chief nemesis, she’s a former congresswoman who served on the House Intelligence Committee and was a former presidential candidate.

But events have proven how wrong Bachmann was, and she would be well advised to keep her geopolitical opinions within her home bible study.

The Iranian attack on Israel was not senseless, it was retaliation for Israel’s April Fool’s attack on the Iranian consulate annex building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus that killed 16 people, including Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and seven other IRGC officers.

An attack on an embassy is considered an attack on the country it represents; it’s an act of war and Iran had no other option than to retaliate directly against Israel.

Israel needed to be humbled, the apartheid state needed to pay a price for committing genocide against the Palestinians.

Iran struck Israel with a swarm of over 300 drones, ballistic and cruise missiles, and Iran has not been decimated. Israel hasn’t yet responded and her chief benefactor, the Unites States, has informed the Jewish state that it doesn’t support miliary retaliation.

Iran is a bigger threat than Israel to stability in the Middle East, but America must not reflexively and unconditionally support Israel. We must criticize Israel when she acts recklessly, and military aid must be conditional.