Donald Trump has posted thousands of racist, homophobic and misogynist tweets since assuming office, and patriots have responded in kind on Twitter or by writing blistering editorials eviscerating the racist-in -chief.
But Diana Weymar, a textile artist, has answered back by stitching quotes from the fucking moron onto vintage doilies. She’s weaponized the doily by using placing Trump’s outrageous and profane quotes in wholesome doilies.
Doilies make any dining room feel grandma-friendly, and engender feelings of goodwill; how can you trade barbs around the dinner table when there’s a lace doily under your plate with a hackneyed phrase? But how will friends and family react when they see Trump’s tweets on a doily?
Weymar’s work has turned into a public art project called the Tiny Pricks Project, many artists have created their own doilies featuring Trump’s quotes, and they are on display at a New York City called Lingua Franca.
Tiny Pricks! Get it? Trump is a prick with a little prick who compensates for his tiny manhood by constantly pricking people with bigoted and obscene comments.
View Weymar’s artistry at: http://tinypricksproject.com/