Conceding a presidential election is an expected and necessary ritual for binging a country together after a divisive campaign.
But it’s not a law or constitutional mandate, and I don’t expect a president who tramples on decorum, societal norms and conventional presidential expectations to concede, ever.
Trump’s path to victory is nonexistent, he has a slim to none chance of winning the election, and None just caught the last train out of Dodge. That’s the harsh reality, but Trump lives in his own reality where his lies and delusions are the only things that matter to him and his cult-like followers.
There are two elements to a concession – a call to the victor and a speech to supporters. Can you imagine Trump making a concession call to Joe Biden, an opponent he has ridiculed as senile, corrupt and the worst presidential candidate in history?
In his concession speech John McCain told supporters:
“A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama to congratulate him on being elected the next president of the country that we both love.”
Can you imagine Trump telling his supporters who consider him the Second Coming of Jesus Christ expressing similar sentiments?
If Trump conceded defeat a few of his supporters would riot and commit suicide, and the rest would find refuge and solace in the dark corners of the Internet where conspiracy theories thrive.
Trump isn’t going to concede, in fact he has told his aides that he will barricade himself in the Oval Office. At this point I could care less if Trump officially concedes, he’s not above our democracy and Joe Biden will be inaugurated and sworn in as the president January 20, 2021.