Let me preface my remarks by stating unequivocally that Christopher Columbus was a genocidal monster, and if I had my druthers every Columbus statue would be demolished. It’s an affront to our democracy for any statue of the European invader who enslaved and butchered indigenous people to still be erect.
A former attorney for the City of Chicago is suing Mayor Lori Lightfoot for defamation after she allegedly berated a group of lawyers during a heated meeting over a Christopher Columbus statue.
The mayor allegedly made the following statement:
“You make some kind of secret agreement with Italians, what you are doing, you are out there measuring your dicks with the Italians seeing whose got the biggest dick, you are out there stroking your dicks over the Columbus statue.”
The lawsuit claims she then went on to say, “My dick is bigger than yours and the Italians, I have the biggest dick in Chicago.”
I don’t know if the diminutive Mayor of Chicago who stands at 5’1’ is endowed with the biggest dick in Chicago, but if these allegations are true there’s no doubt that she is the biggest dick in the Windy City.
I don’t think there’s a person, male or female, who would want to be within striking distance of the Beetlejuice look-a-like’s dick.
There’s a temptation for progressives to automatically come to the defense of Lightfoot, because she’s an African American lesbian mayor. But there’s no excuse for anyone, black or white, gay or straight to behave like the biggest dick in the world.
To date Lightfoot hasn’t denied making the offensive comments.