Kamla Harris is no lightweight, she has an impressive resume: District Attorney of San Francisco, Attorney General of California, Senator of California, Vice President under Biden, and hopefully her distinguished political career will culminate as President of the United States.
Republicans denigrate this formidable woman as a kooky liberal with an obsession with Venn Diagrams, coconuts, and yellow school buses. Although she is an eloquent speaker sometimes, she mixes some word salads that make Joe Biden seem like a sharp and eloquent speaker.
I admit that at first, I was not too impressed with Harris, I just could not get past her cackle. I thought to myself if the cackling like a witch on crack did not work for a famous, powerful and connected white woman like Hillary Clinton, it sure as hell isn’t going to work for a Black/Indian woman.
But I was blown over by Harris’ impressive campaign rollout, in a matter of days she solidified support to the extent that no candidate emerged to challenge her for the Democratic nomination.
I am even getting used to her cackle; I love her cackle. Her cackle sooths and warms my soul, I will cackle along with her when she clobbers Trump this November.