Discussion of powerful female politicians often devolves into a debate over their physical attributes.
What`s good for the goose is good for the gander, so let`s discuss Beto O`Rourke`s physical appearance, especially considering the most striking quality about him is his energetic physical presence. To declare that Beto is like a dervish on crack is the understatement of the 2020 presidential campaign.
Beto is generally considered attractive, and I agree that he`s attractive in a Robert Kennedy sort of way. Robert didn`t possess the matinee idol good looks of his brothers John and Ted, but he had enough resemblance to his siblings to be considered handsome or at least semi-good looking.
Compared to politicians the likes of Ted (Zodiac Killer) Cruz and Donald (Orange Orangutan) Trump Beto is a rock star, but does he have enough physical charisma to compensate for his inexperience, arrogance and lack of a coherent political platform?
Beto stands above the crowded Democratic presidential field, because he`s so darn tall. But tall stature isn`t synonymous with physical attractiveness, in my opinion he`s just a tall dork. Case in point Paul Ryan, I don`t know anyone who considers the Eddie Munster looking putz hot.
I`m neither female nor gay and maybe women and gay men find the Texas politician hot; I`d love to hear your take on him. I don`t want to hear from freaks who equate power with sex appeal and froth over any powerful politician, regardless of gender.
I`m not going to vote based on physical attractiveness, after all I was for Bernie in 2016, but I am curious. Please send me a tweet or an email?