Former president Donald Trump famously eschewed wearing a mask. After all, a face covering might project vulnerability and weakness, and that would conflict with the macho image the grotesquely obese clown with the double-chin and the sphincter-shaped mouth sought to cultivate. Suffice to say, Trump didn’t model good behavior when it came to COVID mitigation efforts or anything else.
President Joe Biden isn’t much of an improvement, nearly two years into the pandemic he’s still sending mixed messages. He is wearing a mask outside alone with his wife while walking his dog yet takes it off when he goes indoor to a retail store surrounded by people.
Wearing a mask while playing with his puppy on a deserted beach with the Secret Service more than ten yards away isn’t virtue signaling, it’s a sign of dementia.
Biden is fully vaccinated and boosted, there is no damn reason for him to wear a mask on a deserted beach, none whatsoever!
A good citizen who’s done the right thing, been vaccinated and boosted, washes his hands frequently and wears a mask, when necessary, has earned the right not to don a mask on a deserted beach.
The president by all means should model good behavior but wearing a mask in a sparsely populated beach is anal-retentive conduct.