A new national survey by Pew Research Center has some illuminating results. Percentage of each religious/non-religious groups that has been vaccinated with at least one shot:
57% of white evangelicals.
70% of black protestants
90% of atheists.
“Pro-Life” white evangelicals who treasure an eternal life in the hereafter have contempt for the mortal lives of themselves and their neighbors. They revere an embryo that hasn’t yet developed into a human being, but their refusal to get vaccinated puts the lives of babies, children and adults at risk.
They reject empirical evidence and science in favor of myths and conspiracy theories, behaving like we’re living in the dark ages instead of the space age.
Meanwhile black protestants who have a legitimate reason to be skeptical of medicine in general and vaccines in particular are much more receptive to getting vaccinated. The memory of the decades-long Tuskegee experiment is still fresh in their minds, but they still line up to do the right thing and get vaccinated.
Atheists who are ostracized by society, and falsely accused of not having any morals because they reject organized religion are the most socially responsible citizens. An incredible 90% of them are vaccinated, makes you wonder if we really need religion.