Noted medical genius Donald Trump (How can we forget his sage advice to inject disinfectants to kill the coronavirus) called Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s premier infectious disease expert, an alarmist as the coronavirus pandemic rages out of control in Florida, Texas, California, Georgia and many other southern states.
I guess noted historian Donald Trump considers Paul Revere “a bit of an alarmist” for yelling “The British are coming, the British are coming.” If not for the warning of Revere the unsuspecting colonists would have been wiped out by the British army.
Revere warned the colonists in Concord, Massachusetts of an impending attack, while Fauci is warning all of America about an enemy that is already here and killing tens of thousands.
Trump downplays the coronavirus out of political expediency, while Fauci warns Americans about COVID-19 out of concern for the public. Trump has referred to the raging pandemic as a “flu” and he has repeatedly insisted that it will miraculously disappear.
Is it any wonder that according to new polling from Quinnipiac University only 30% of registered voters say they trust the information that Trump is providing about the coronavirus and 65% say they trust the information Fauci I s proving about the pandemic?