Donald Trump’s interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos was an unmitigated disaster, it exposed the president as unprepared and unpresidential. It’s no wonder that Trump rarely grants an interview with a real journalist, and he prefers to chat with the friendly news personalities of Fox News.
In the most shocking segment of the interview Trump told Stephanopoulos that he’d accept dirt on his opponents offered by other governments and ridiculed the idea of telling the FBI about it. Trump’s answer proves that the only lesson he learned from the Mueller investigation is that he can get away with anything, and he considers himself above the law.
When the stable genius was pressed by Stephanopoulos on why he didn’t answer questions from Mueller about obstruction, the short-fingered vulgarian resorted to name-calling, calling the 5’5” journalist “a little wise guy.” Once again demonstrating that when the fuc*ing moron can’t compete on an intellectual level, he lasing out with juvenile insults.
In one part of the interview the 6’3” buffoon was sitting at the Oval Office while the petite Stephanopoulos was standing, negating Trump’s height advantage and making him appear small. Where the hell are Trump’s handlers, are they too afraid to give him advice?
Stephanopoulos clearly came ahead in the encounter, he refused to be intimidated by Trump’s bluster, and refused to accept his initial disclaimers.