Stubbornness is a Hallmark of Dementia, Biden Must be Forced to Drop Out

I am not a neurologist or a psychologist, but neither am I blind or deaf, and I can deduce that President Joe Biden is an octogenarian with serious physical and cognitive issues. His slurring speech, incoherent comments, slow gait and his penchant for standing open with his mouth agape are indicative of a physically frail person suffering from dementia.

If your grandfather is suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, you do not expect him to make important decisions regarding his finances or medical care. If you are his caregiver, you make those decisions for him, and about the only choice you allow him to make is if he wants oatmeal or scrambled eggs for breakfast.

After Biden’s complete meltdown at the debate, many pundits and politicians are suggesting that we should give him time to realize that he is no longer physically and mentally fit to be president and allow him to drop out with a measure of grace and dignity.

Hello? Biden’s mind is shattered, he is incapable of realizing or admitting that he is cognitively challenged and unfit to serve as president.

General stubbornness is a hallmark of dementia, and Biden is too stubborn to relinquish his power even though he is incapable of uttering a complete sentence or exiting a stage after delivering an incoherent speech.

Six out of 10 people living with dementia wander at least once, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. When Biden is in a public stage with foreign dignitaries he often wanders away from the group, until his wife or an aide takes him by the arm and nudges him back.

Patients with dementia often develop delusions or false beliefs, and Biden is under the delusion that despite his dementia and poor polls he is the only one who can defeat Donald Trump.

Two years ago, Biden should have had the humility and grace to announce that he was not running for reelection, and anointed Kamala Harris as his worthy successor.

Biden isn’t going to drop out of the race, it’s incumbent upon Democratic leaders to force him to drop out by any means necessary.

If Biden remains the Democratic presidential nominee, he will lose, and a Trump with no guardrails will destroy our democracy.